Fishing and Wildlife

Here is our new Loon Family, taken 7-17-22 by Judy Doonan-twohy.

Many thanks to Raye Lahti for the picture of the buck, taken on North Diamond Lake Drive, 8-21-22
Also, thanks, Raye, for the Otter pictures (below), also taken in August, 2022.

Picture above, by Susan Walker.
Picture below, by Pat Arndt.

Diamond Lake is part of the Northland College LoonWatch monitoring program .
Data are collected over the summer about loon numbers, nesting, chick survivors, and submitted in the Fall. If you have any loon activity observations to share, please feel free to contact Jessie Meschievitz,LoonWatch Volunteer for Diamond Lake, at

Shepard Johnson, Minneapolis Minnesota, is proud of his 20" largemouth bass caught (and released) 7-30-23.