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Last night (June 10, 2023) the Mother Otter (her name is Olive) appeared in our yard and was taking her pups to the lake. We didn’t think she had pups this year since we didn’t hear them under our old shed. She typically lives there with her pups until it is time to head to the lake.

Susan Trankel

Check out pictures from the "On-Water Volunteer AIS Training Workshop 6-10-23.

OUR LOONS are sitting on their new nest/island!

Here are pictures sent in by Ed and Monica Wallen 6-11-23


Otters 6-11-23 (Susan Trankel).jpg
loon nest 6-11-23 Wallen C.PNG
loon nest 6-11-23 Wallen B_edited.jpg

Why Our Loons Keep Returning

See this Amazing Video About Loon Territoriality

(link here).

Final Report Received from our Baseline Plant Survey
By Bob Jacobel


February 13, 2022 - The final report from our August 2021 plant baseline survey was delivered in mid February from Matthew Berg, research biologist with Endangered Research Services LLC of St. Croix Falls. As described in more detail in the DL Fall 2021 Newsletter, the Point Intercept Macrophyte Survey derives its name from utilizing a pre-established grid of hundreds of GPS points that are sampled according to the lake bathymetry. Data are recorded at locations with a shallow bed (and more plants) at a higher density than deeper areas where there are few or no plants. The grid can thus be

resurveyed precisely in future years.


The final report confirms the very positive news from the preliminary results last fall that found no evidence of Eurasian water-milfoil, Curly-leaf pondweed, or any other fully aquatic exotic plant in Diamond Lake. Corroborating the earlier results, the report states that, “Diamond Lake has a truly exceptional native plant community that is dominated by high-value species that are both sensitive to human impacts and regionally uncommon.” Specific findings show that species diversity (defined in the report) is exceptional, and species richness is “high,” with over 60 species found.


The full report runs over 100 pages and contains many beautiful plant photos, tables and maps of plant distribution, so interested readers are encouraged to follow the link to a version that can be downloaded or viewed online.


                                     CLICK HERE.



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